Ricambi Centro Sud S.r.l.

Our company operates in the sector of commercial vehicles, buses, trucks and auto parts for diesel and petrol engines, also dealing with bodywork and industrial, agricultural, naval and railway vehicles. In Catania since 1995, with professionalism and competence, it offers services for the choice and sale of the products handled, responding to the needs of public and private bodies, spare parts dealers, pump engineers, mechanics and electricians.

Our company, today in continuous expansion, has the strength and the desire to always offer its services, competent and decisive, directly to individuals, offering an opportunity and acting as a solution to large and small problems of vehicles. You will find qualified and continuously trained personnel, able to analyze the problem and provide advice on the right alternatives. You will be able to take advantage of home delivery and complete 360-degree services.

Our company is authorised distributors of original equipment brands, as well as official products remanufactured directly from the parent company. The quality of the service in relation to the price, the qualified technical area and the management/project beyond the simple direct sale, are the three strengths of the company. Our company has a technical area with equipment and permanent training, it promotes the functional network on the territory, guaranteeing updating and after-sales assistance for customers.

A company that has not lost its open and family temperament in great expansion, today, poses new challenges. The new structure, which includes 3800 square meters of warehouse on three levels, offices and sales point, and a total of 35 employees, succeeds to guarantee a service in different areas of expertise throughout the territory thanks also to its sales agents specialized by category and type of product, of the best brands.

Technical area

Qualified staff who offer advice on the purchase of products, but also after-sales support.

Lifelong learning

With RCS you can participate in training events and stay updated on all the news in the automotive sector.

Quality / Price

The right price is only the one related to the specific need, and cannot ignore the relative quality.



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The latest news - Ricambi Centro Sud



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   (+39) 095 419 0006           info@ricambicentrosud.com

   Lun - Ven, 8:30 - 13:00 e 14:30 - 18:30

   Via Alessandro Volta 17, Catania